February 21st-23rd, 2020
This immersive installation acted as a companion piece and audiobook release for The Endlessly Forking Snake Tongue. In a hectic two days my helper and I transformed Fancy Fancy Studios into a surreal facsimile of a home. We constructed a fully dry-walled room within the main gallery space, and utilized the stairway and upstairs hall, sectioning things off with muslin as necessary. Each room immersed guests into the world of the book, with audio from each chapter broadcast in separate rooms. The audio spilling out from each room created a cacophony of voice, an overwhelming feeling like grief. In the “kitchen” area of the home, a crumbling, post-apocalyptic coffee shop served pour over and gave guests the opportunity to write their own personal true stories in forgotten journals embossed with the word “Autobiography”. On closing night, volunteers read the anonymous stories aloud.
Photos Jen Rachid